Alternative Dispute Resolution in Las Vegas, NV
In addition to being skilled litigators in the courtroom, Naimi Mullins Law Group emphasizes alternative dispute resolution whenever possible to save you time, money, and stress. We firmly believe in pursuing compromise if possible to minimize damage to your family and well-being.
Our alternative dispute resolution attorneys provide a number of services that can help you avoid traditional litigation, including:
- Divorce or Custody Planning. This method allows you to ask all the questions you want without committing to a divorce or custody battle. Our attorneys are some of the most knowledgeable in the field of divorce and family law, and can tell you how best to financially, emotionally, and logically prepare for divorce or custody filings.
- Mediation. During mediation, the parties will meet with a third-party neutral called a mediator rather than facing a judge. It is your choice if you want a lawyer to be present, but it is wise to share resolution options with your attorney before decisions are made.
If you and the other party are both willing, alternative dispute resolution is an optimal way to settle a divorce or custody dispute quickly and efficiently. Our attorneys are exceptionally skilled in helping you seek a compromise that works in both your and your children’s best interests. We are happy to advocate for you in the meeting room, collaborating with the other counsel or party in a neutral space to allow for productive conversations.
To contact one of our qualified alternative dispute resolution attorneys in the Las Vegas area now, call Naimi Mullins Law Group at (725) 444-7185.
What Sets Us Apart?
Skilled and Dedicated Advocacy for Your Family